Object Word Poster

Design Brief

The goal of this project is to create a poster of a thing, place, or event that has flat color, strong dynamic relationship with the figure-ground, and simple shapes. The poster is to only have one word on the poster that is connotative to the image. The relationship between the placement of the word and image is something that will also be taken into consideration. The size of this poster will be tabloid size of 11 by 17.

Research Photos



Tight Rough

After yesterdays discussion I decided to change the word from Fresh to Lunch because it seemed to make a little more sense to my audience, then the word Fresh does.

Semiotics 2

Image: Sushi Roll
Objective meaning: A meal usually eaten in eastern Asian countries.
Subjective meaning: Delicious when raw or cooked, best eaten the day it is made.


Word: Lunch
Objective Meaning: A meal between breakfast and dinner
Subjective Meaning: Usually eaten at noon when time is available.


Objective Meaning: A light meal eaten usually in Eastern countries in the middle of the day.
Subjective Meaning: A delicious light meal eaten in the middle of the day, best raw or cooked.  

Design Brief Revision:

The goal of this project has changed slightly. We are to make three posters of a thing, place, or event that has flat color, strong dynamic relationship with the figure-ground, and simple shapes.  The relationship between the placement of the word and image is something that will also be taken into consideration. The size of this poster will be tabloid size of 11 by 17. The first version of the poster will only have one word on the poster that is an identifier or denotative to the image. The second version of the poster will be of the same image as the first, but the word will be associative or connotative to the image. The third poster will be the same word and image, but it must have a call to action like restaurant advertisement or group affiliation.

Version 1

Version 2