Syntax Poster Project

Design  Brief

The goal of the project is to create a poster for a social issue that is important to us. The message must be clearly defined and must shy away from being an object poster. The message the client (myself) wants to use for the project is the importance of art in society and culture. The poster will incorporate basic geometric shapes, san serif type and flat color. The poster with be 11 x 17.

Visual Research



Having a hard time figuring out how to create movement that will fill the page and trying to connect the entire page while keeping it symmetrical.

Tight Rough

trying to connect the blue with the top and bottom. Trying to connect the words with the concept of art and its importance. The blue lines feel like its bearing down on the page I want to make it feel lighter and make the words connect with the concept.

Final Poster

It was something that someone had said that helped me believe that it is a solid piece. The person said that it looked like a radio tower with the way the rings seem to be coming in and going out at the same time. Well from what I understand about radio, it is used to connect people together. That was all I wanted to express in this piece connecting people together.