Episteme BDPF Project

Design Brief:

In this project I want to create a series of designs for T-Shirts that have single words that are not commonly used in today American English society. In the spirit of Sean  Mccabe and his hand lettering I want to create a hand rendered type that combines different classes of typography. I will scan the designs into the computer and refine using illustrator. The design will need to be vectorized so that at any size it can be read. My focused audience is those who have a quirky fashion style and those who are interested in English.

Visual Research


I have been struggling trying to put different type classes together using different words so I want to take baby steps and begin mixing type classes with single words and then after enough practice move up and do two or three word compositions, but at the current time I just need to focus on the form and the correct type faces.

Spring Break: After the critique I discovered my goal was trying to blend the different type classes and make the word look like it sounds. The definition of serendipity is finding something good without looking for it or finding something unexpected that is good.

I wanted to combine the script class of typefaces with the black letter and this is what I came up with.

I added color to make the word seem more like what it means. In the different places I broke up the letters to project the definition of the word.

After critique, I felt like the T and the Y were the weakest part of the whole drawing and didn't match the rest of the piece, so I went back to the drawing board and fixed them.

I am happy with the way it was finished. I could really see this being used for something, but I'm unsure of what it would be for.