Vocal Artist Record Album

Design Brief:
In this project, I am going to design two album covers based on the song "Clarity" by Zedd, featuring the Foxes. The lyrics of the song will the inspiration to the cover and I will interpret them into a visual cover design. The two designs will follow along the rules of the different eras of design: Modernism and Postmodernism. With the modernism poster I will follow the principles of design: Photography is the true Image, abstraction is universal, a grid provides structure and assures uniformity, less is more, asymmetrical type, triangular stability and/or dominant, sub-dominant and subordinate hierarchy. With my postmodernism album cover I want to play with the principles, maybe stick to a few of them and maybe bend a few others. The size of the album will be 12x12 inches. 


Song Lyrics

(feat. Foxes)

High dive into frozen waves where the past comes back to life
Fight fear for the selfish pain, it was worth it every time
Hold still right before we crash 'cause we both know how this ends
A clock ticks 'til it breaks your glass and I drown in you again

'Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly, still fight and I don't know why

If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?

(Hey-ay, hey-ay-ay. Hey-ay, hey-ay-ay. Hey-ay, hey-ay-ay. Hey-ay, hey)

If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?

Walk on through a red parade and refuse to make amends
It cuts deep through our ground and makes us forget all common sense
Don't speak as I try to leave 'cause we both know what we'll choose
If you pull then I'll push too deep and I'll fall right back to you

'Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly, still fight and I don't know why

If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?

(Hey-ay, hey-ay-ay. Hey-ay, hey-ay-ay. Hey-ay, hey-ay-ay. Hey-ay, hey)

Why are you my clarity?
Why are you my remedy?
Why are you my clarity?
Why are you my remedy?

If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?

Digital Comp

With Grid

Without Grid

After Critique and a more understanding of the principles of modernism design I feel as I was hitting a few of the targets and missing many others. For my modernism album, I want to make the typeface a san serif type face that will follow the lines of modernism. I want to work on the hierarchy and make the girl smaller and the mans face much bigger, cause bigger is better. I feel like I have a triangular eye flow in the album, but it needs to be more apparent and I want to make it more open and cleaner.


Without Grid

The changes I made:
- Changed the typeface to a san serif.
- Moved the words together and overlapped them. Changed their colors so the veiwer can distinguish the words.
- Made the girl smaller.
- Made the man bigger.
- Made the crack smaller to use more of the who composition.
- Took away the explosion because it really had no tie in with the song.

Postmodern Album Cover Digital Comp


Without Grid

After last thursdays critique, I got a lot of feedback on my post modernism poster and the okay for my modernism poster.

When I really studied the first digital comp, I saw there was a war going on between the clock and the eye because they are circular objects that draw you in.

The changes I made to my POMO cover.
- Moved the clock over the eye to stop the battle between the two circular objects
- I took away the more logo Zedd and replaced it with something more simple that could be seen as a word more than a logo.

Then I worked on the back cover for the POMO cover this weekend and ended with this.
Wanted to use the same colors, picture and type.

Pretty happy with this cover so I didn't make any changes.
Then I worked on the back cover for this album.

After a quick critique I discovered the words are hard to read with the picture and the lined up featured artists is kinda weird.

Modern Front and Back

Postmodern Front and Back